Mission & Vision
The purpose of Baptist Bible College is to work in co-operation with participating Baptist Churches to assist in the doctrinal and practical training of men and women for the work of ministry entrusted to those churches by the Lord Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures. [1].
[1] In order to clarify the somewhat ambiguous term “the Scriptures” the text adhered to by the Baptist Bible College will be that of the Authorised Version (KJV) based upon the Received Text.
It is the goal of Baptist Bible College to train students who will:
1. View all knowledge based upon a literal/grammatical and historical interpretation of the Bible.
2. Understand the Bible and apply its theology to all areas of life. By further developing in students a cognitive ability to apply biblical principles to real life situations.
3. Integrate biblical principles with general education by Spirit‑led thinking, analysis, and evaluation.
a. By training students to develop a pattern of critical thinking.
b. By developing students’ ability to evaluate the validity of ideas from the standpoint of biblical absolutes.
c. By developing in students the ability to view all knowledge from a holistic theistic worldview.
4. Develop a biblical value system reflected in personal, family, social, and ministerial life by equipping students with the ability to recognize and apply a biblical value system to any life situation.
5. Continue to exhibit spiritual growth.
a. By engaging in personal Bible study.
b. By developing personal commitment to local church ministry.
c. By developing interpersonal skills.
d. By developing the ability to interrelate society’s needs to biblical absolutes.
e. By developing cultural sensitivity.
6. Serve Christ effectively in and through the local churches of the Baptist Bible Fellowship of Great Britain.
7. Pursue a vision, create strategies, and develop skills for presenting Christ to the world through evangelism, missions, and church planting.
a. By developing in students the ability to relate biblical absolutes to society.
b. By helping students develop new strategies without compromising truth.
c. By identifying and channelling students skills and developing them to their fullest potential.
These goals will be fulfilled through programs which prepare the graduates for the role of Pastor, Missionary, and Church Worker.
Personal Qualities
Only persons who have experienced regeneration and baptism and who have an earnest desire to serve Christ are eligible for admission. Such persons should be able to present evidence of their calling and purpose. In addition, candidates should be congenial, cooperative, and willing to submit to the standards and regulations of the college.
Each student must have a Baptist pastor’s recommendation and be an active member of a BBFGB church while a student.