Online Classes
Online Class Form - PDF
You have two online options.
1) Join us live. Class lectures are Monday to Friday from 6:00 -10:00 pm GMT for one week.
You join in discussions and ask questions in a class setting.
2) Individual study. You choose from our library of recorded classes and study at your own pace. Each class has an average of 15-20 hours of teaching.
Online classes are £30. However, If you want college credit, the cost is £75, and you must complete the homework.
If you have a group/church wanting to join in, please contact us for a group rate.
Recorded Classes
Baptist History
Biblical Counselling 1
Biblical Counselling 2
Child Growth & Development
Church Administration
Church History
Communication Workshop
Doctrine 1
Doctrine 2
Life of Christ
Methods of Teaching
Minor Prophets
Missionary Life
Old Testament 1
Old Testament 2
Old Testament 3
Pastoral Theology
Pauline Epistles
Personal Evangelism
Romans 1
Romans 2
Youth Ministry
Over the years we have taken the opportunity to record our lectures and classes, this allows us to have a library of classes that you can take online. Please contact us if you wish to take, or re-take, any of the above classes that have been recorded. The price for these classes are the same as stated above, depending on if you want to audit the class or take it for credit, the choice is yours.